Wednesday, November 23, 2011

Must Do Something About This Blog...

...because unfortunately, the laws of the Internet prevent me from somehow ever being able to delete it. Like with an unplanned child conceived in one night of uncontainable passion, I'm going to have to pull myself and learn to do something with this abandoned bastard.

But what? A while ago I did progress logs for all my art projects. Maybe I can do those again to show that I'm still alive and well. Perhaps my thoughts on the world, politics, sexuality, zebras, or nature?

I'll figure out something. And I'll have to do it fast.

Saturday, January 15, 2011

No Substantial Post Today

Mostly due to a whole of time spent with friends and actually doing things. Which is a considerable step up for my social progress, although I'm still to realize how much hanging out with people prevents me from getting any of the work I want to get done for myself finished. I haven't added a rough page to the Avatar: the Last Airbender comic since Monday. As the school year goes by and the homework starts piling up, I'm sure I'll get time to myself to both study and work on my projects. Maybe.

Saturday, January 8, 2011

As you can see, I've been making progress

I did these sketches of Katara today to get a feel of her character design. Since she's going to be the star of the Avatar: the Last Airbender comic I'm doing, I should definitely learn how to draw her right, and make her emote and act like a real cartoon human being. Boy, is she going to go through some Hell in my comic...

Speaking of Avatar, I finally saw that wicked pencil test of Korra kicking some ass, without even Bending! This has me even more excited than I was previously when I learned that creators Michael Dante DiMartino and Bryan Konietzko would be personally writing each of the twelve episodes themselves. Talk about dedication.

I'm going back to school tomorrow for the second semester, and this time I'll know exactly what to do as far as doing schoolwork and properly raping the facility of its resources. I'm glad I got most of the important outlines and developments for certain projects done during break, which means I can give my focus to those since I won't have enough time to devote proper attention to the less-than-solid ideas and stories.

It's a mighty fine coincidence that I happened to start reading The Simpsons: An Uncensored, Unauthorized History before seeing The Social Network: they're essentially the same story. Someone has a potentially brilliant idea for a [television show/computer network], and, after a lot of backsliding and betrayal, suddenly the idea turns into a success beyond the creator(s)' imaginations, which in turn leads to lawsuits about who actually deserves whatever amount of money for intellectual property theft. (Don't worry, I haven't spoiled anything.) History repeats itself, I guess, and the whole Facebook debacle and the creation of The Simpsons are solid proof of that. Anytime a cultural phenomenon happens, we all want to know who was the one person responsible for it. Facebook, The Simpsons, Star Wars, The Beatles, Youtube, whatever: these were all the product of their generation, and it took more than one person to realize how to transform that potential into the light of people's lives. So many countless, anonymous people have had their careers destroyed by these freak occurances, but you never hear about them.

Except in The Social Network, a film I honestly was skeptical about at first because: 1) it's a movie about the creation of Facebook? Lame!; 2) David "Fight Club" Fincher is directing? Why? I'm glad I was persuaded to see it. It's probably the most important film of this year, and a great one at that. Everyone should seriously see it. If anything, it's a shockingly entertaining film. And Jesse Eisenberg? Never knew the hapless nerd could play should a brilliant, yet almost despicable guy.

And while all this is going on, I'm seriously considering becoming an atheist. Reading up on The Simpsons and George Meyer, one of it's chief creative forces, certainly influenced this, but it was a long time coming anyway. That doesn't mean I'll be an asshole. There are enough assholes as it is. And besides, I'm not even remotely good at being an asshole. And thank God for that.